A time to relax, to be with your family, and, unfortunately, a trigger for straying from your weight-loss goals. It’s all too easy to grab a “convenience” snack or sit on the couch for hours on end, watching television or surfing the ‘net. Here are eight ways for you to make your home help, not hurt, your progress:
A Remote Remote:
If you tend to watch television to relax, move the remote so that you must physically get up to retrieve it to change the channel.

Clean Sweep:
Get rid of all non-nutritious snacks: sodium and calorie-laden chips, candy bars, or whatever your vice may be. If it’s not present, and you would have to actually leave your home to go get it, chances are you will elect to do without.

That junk food with healthy options so when you do need a snack, you have alternatives. Some good choices are string cheese, ham and low-cal cheese wrapped in a lettuce leaf, ricotta cheese with bit of almond extract mixed in and topped with a few slivered almonds, yogurt, and of course, fresh fruit.

Keep a Food Journal:
Make sure you write down everything you eat. Don’t beat yourself up if you have something that isn’t exactly healthy. Your long-term eating over time is what is important. When you can see the history of the good choices you made, you’ll feel better about your eating in general.

Small plates:
Will help you control your portions. Avoid bigger plates to control you portion size.

Walk Your Dog:
Most dogs are more than happy to go for a walk, oh, a hundred times a day. Do yourself and your dog a favor and get outside. If you don’t have a dog, go for a walk anyway.

Get the Family Involved:
If you can afford it, gaming systems like the Wii and Kinect offer a wide variety of games, from tennis, to bowling, to boxing, aerobics and more, that are fun and guaranteed to get everyone on their feet and fit!

Keep Your Exercise Equipment Out:
Keep it in your view. It’s a gentle reminder that that extra fifteen minutes might be put to better use than another snack.