You’ll need a 10- to 15-pound kettle bell ($35 and up). Switch to a heavier one as you get stronger. Do three sets of the indicated reps of each move three times a week on nonconsecutive days.

works: shoulders, arms, abs, butt, legs
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, a kettle bell in your right hand, elbow bent, with the ball of kettle bell resting on the back of your right forearm at your right shoulder. Press your right arm straight overhead (as shown). Bend your elbow, returning the kettle bell to your right shoulder, for 1 rep. Do 5 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

Works: abs, butt, legs
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, holding the kettle bell horns (the sides of handle), arms down. Lower your butt to sit on floor; bend your elbows so the kettlebell is in front of your chest, arms inside your legs. Roll onto your back, keeping your knees bent (as shown), then roll forward, placing your feet on the floor to rise to a low squat, extending your arms at chest level. Snap your hips as you straighten your legs and lower your arms for 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Works: shoulders, back, abs, butt, legs
Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, the kettlebell on the floor between your feet. Squat and grab the handle with both hands, palms down; swing the kettlebell back between your legs, then forward as you snap your hips and rise to stand. When the kettlebell reaches shoulder level, release the handle, catching the horns, elbows bent, then squat (as shown). Stand, changing your grip so your hands are on top of the handle, arms down, for 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Works: abs, butt, legs
Stand with your feet hip-width apart, a kettle bell in both hands in front of you, arms down. Step your left leg back into a lunge, releasing your right hand; pass the kettle bell under your right leg from your left hand to your right (as shown), then return to start. Repeat on opposite side for 1 rep. Do 5 reps.