February 1, 2011

How to Be Prepared for Natural Disasters

A natural disaster can strike anywhere or at anytime. A tornado, a hurricane or an earthquake can often strike without warning. Being prepared is sometimes your and your family's best defense. You may not be able to shop or hunt for your supplies if you don't have them all together. There are a few things you can do to make sure you have everything you need in the event of a natural disaster.


  1. Agree on a safe place to meet in the case of a natural disaster. The safe place may depend on the disaster. Make a plan with your family and have random drills to make sure everyone understands.

  2. Create a disaster preparedness kit. This kit should contain everything you need to survive for at least a three days, including food, water, medications, a list of important phone numbers and copies of both your home owners and health insurance cards.

  3. Assess your insurance coverage. Make sure you're fully covered in the event of a flood, earthquake or other natural disaster that may not be covered in a traditional policy.

  4. Take inventory of your possessions for your insurance. Make a list of each item and it's worth, and photograph them. Keep this information in another location, such as a bank deposit box. This way you can get to the list if you lose you lose everything.

  5. Know your city's evacuation plan and route. Also know the school's plan in case your children are in school when a disaster happens.

  6. Maintain your disaster preparedness kit. Make sure you change out the water, batteries and packaged food to make sure it's fresh.

Things You'll Need:

  • Water in plastic containers
  • First-aid kit
  • Battery-operated or wind up radio
  • Flash light
  • Extra batteries
  • Change of clothes for each family member
  • Blankets
  • Packaged foods
  • Hand sanitizer

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