1. Detox Your Home: Toss Products Containing Hormone Disruptors
For a detox to be truly effective, it needs to extend beyond your body and into your home. There are various chemicals and hormone disruptor's lurking in your environment that may contribute to toxicity and hormonal imbalances. Here are some tips so you can create a healthier, toxin-free home.
2. Elimination Diet: 30-Day Challenge to Remove Gluten, Dairy, Caffeine, Sugar and Alcohol
Have you been feeling low on energy? Have you had headaches or digestive issues or are you carrying around a few stubborn extra pounds? Last spring That's Fit.ca ran a 30-day diet clean-up challenge to help readers eliminate all processed foods, gluten, sugar, dairy, alcohol and caffeine from their diets. Check out this post to eat cleaner and feel better.
3. Vitamins 101: Which Ones to Take and What to Avoid
Wondering if you should be taking daily vitamins? These days, there is overwhelming clinical evidence to show that vitamin deficiencies are associated with disease processes and the overall condition of our health. This post gives the lowdown on the vitamins and minerals you need and provides a simple vitamin plan.
4. Bad Breath: Seven Natural Solutions to Eliminate Halitosis
If you suffer from chronic bad breath, it can be embarrassing and frustrating. Covering up the odor with breath spray isn't going to work, but what will? Here are some natural ways to get rid of a stinky mouth.
5. Magnesium Deficiency Could Be Causing Your Stress and Depression
Feeling stressed? Moody? Depressed? While you may think it's your life that needs changing, your real problem might be what's missing from your diet: magnesium. This under-appreciated and vastly under-consumed mineral is the hidden cause of many mood disorders, and boosting your magnesium levels could be the key to improving your emotional health.
6. Buyer Beware! 'Health' Foods That Aren't So Healthy
Sometimes shiny packaging or the right buzz words distract us into making purchasing decisions we might not otherwise bother with (and probably shouldn't). Here are a few of the common products and buzz words used to sell us on "health" foods that actually aren't so healthy.
7. Soft Drink Danger: 'Sweet Bubbly Poison' Increases Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Soda is ubiquitous in our society. It's the drink of choice in movie theatres, restaurants, high schools and workplaces, popular because of its caffeine jolt and pleasing fizziness. But in addition to osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes, pop's recently been linked to one of the most lethal cancers.
8. How to Get Healthy, Glowing Skin
Moisturizer, exfoliant, eye cream, sunscreen -- every day we slather our skin with substances, yet most of us know little about the ingredients in the products we use. Worried about the chemicals you're putting on your face and body? Here are some tips for healthy, natural skin.
9. Do You Have Too Much Estrogen? Imbalance Can Cause Weight Gain
In men and postmenopausal women, too much estrogen (a condition called estrogen dominance) causes toxic fat gain, water retention, bloating and a host of other health and wellness issues. In fact, researchers have now identified excess estrogen to be just as great a risk factor for obesity -- in both sexes -- as poor eating habits and lack of exercise.
10. Morning Banana Diet: Good or Bad?
The Morning Banana craze took off in Japan in 2008, when a pharmacist from Osaka instituted the diet for her boyfriend who reportedly lost about 37 pounds. Our Healthy Foodie Doug Di Pasquale weighs in on the diet and whether you should consider it for yourself.
11. How Reducing Inflammation Can Prolong Your Life
Inflammation in the body is linked to all kinds of diseases and long-term health troubles -- but how can you know if you're suffering from it? Dietitian Susan Dopart, author of 'A Recipe for Life,' explains what causes inflammation and how to reduce it.
12. Green Tea vs. Black Tea: Which is Better for Weight Loss?
One of the benefits green tea is often celebrated for is weight loss. The Healthy Foodie takes on the question of whether tea can really have an impact on your weight, and whether it's the black or green variety that should be going in your mug.
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